Its Monday morning and my mind is like a hummingbird flitting from blossom to blossom. Each idea is a blossom waiting to bloom into a full blown thought. Each thought waiting to connect together into an observation or reflection or the occaisional diatribe on life and all its mechanations. In other words, this is a random recording or what I'm thinking this morning as another week gets into full swing.
It's so easy to dream. Its much more difficult to acutally fulfill one.
Shampoo Warning: I figured out why I'm so fat. The shampoo I use in the shower that runs down my body says, "for extra volume and body." Going to start using Dawn dishwashing soap. It says, "dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove."
(stolen from a friend - it made me laugh so hard I had to share)
I'm wondering about the Oscars, which, as I write this, were given out last night. I guess I am not ready for the new generation to take over. While Anne Hathaway was charming, she was a bit giggly. And James Franco was not really present. People went on and on in thank you's (even more than usual). I agreed with the awards in general, wondered why only 4 songs and 3 nominations for make-up? Maybe I am getting old.
Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events,
small minds discuss people.
~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Why are people surprised it gets cold in winter and hot in summer?
I'm wondering where the time goes. Every day I wake up and it is a day later. Sometimes I think, "A day late and a dollar short". Other times I think, "And the days grow short...". And sometimes I think, "Seize the day!". Most of the time I think, "What day is it?"
Be careful how you live; you may be the only Bible some people ever read." ~ William J. Toms
Today is National Tooth Fairy Day!
I still believe dreams come true but if wishes were horses, beggas would ride.
"Men must live and create. Live to the point of tears."
Albert Camus
Me, I wonder if I am even capable.
Monday is wash day. My sheets are in the wash now. Old saws are the best. They help us keep focussed and from running amuck. Or so one would think.
And now off to the matters at hand whatever those may be.