Friday, June 8, 2012

Shared Experiences

This picture of my faithful little companions, Ching Ching and Tater Totte, was taken a few years ago.  Every time I look at it, I remember the moment and how they seemed to be sharing a good laugh while I looked on.  They are companions if life.  They are best friends.  Inseparable.  They eat, sleep, walk, play, do everything, together.  They are the definition of what it means to have shared experiences.  They not only share their experiences, but mine, when I am with them.

Ching came first to live with me.  Not long after, Tater was found and I adopted her.  They are the best friends a man could have.  And they are best friends to each other.  That, I often find myself thinking, is what life is all about.  Shared experience.

Sure, it is good to do some things alone.  Sometimes you just gotta get away and do some thinking and ruminating.  Sometimes you need to go off to yourself and reflect on life’s many facetted aspects.  There is always something that needs examining and there are times when you can only do that alone.  But the bottom line is, sharing experiences with others is what life is all about.

Carol Burnett always sang at the end of her variety show in the ‘60s and ‘70s, “I'm so glad we had this time together, Just to have a laugh, or sing a song. Seems we just get started and before you Know it comes the time we have to say, “So long".  That really sums it up.  You could add to that, “to give a hug or shed a tear”, too.  The importance of being together, sharing life’s ups and downs, is part of what makes us human.  Dogs too.

Just for fun and sentiment, here is a link to Carol singing that song:

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