Then I listened the TV talking heads. Demi-god celebrities ranting and airing their dirty laundry. Mega-millianaires and disgruntled politicos running for president (maybe). Extreme middle east unrest and madmen spewing garbally good as if it were a new doctrine and some pendants think maybe we are leading the world into WWIII. I felt my energy begin to flag. I ate some Activia. I sat down at my desk. Suddenly I was overcome with inertia. I decided to take shower in order to revitalize myself.
The shower was good and I felt awake again for the second time this morning. I got dressed and ready for the day ahead. Hair cut at 11, shopping to do, maybe some yard work on this a nice California day. Or maybe a movie. Then to dinner with old friends. It promised to be a good day.
And it still is. I noted that maybe my "get-up-and-go" had not in fact got up andwent. It had merely scared itself. "Too much! Too much," it cried! "Get a grip!" I then had a talk with myself. Get over yourself. Just get started again and you will be fine. Write. Write anything. Just do it (ala Nike). And I did. And it worked. The energy came back. I am out of the ebb and into the flow. I guess it is true what they say: up and at 'em beats laying down on the job every time. And off we go where ever my get up and go takes me.
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