(This was supposed to go out June 1st, but somehow I missed sending it!)
What exactly did June do today? Sure, the sun is shining brightly and the birds are singing sweetly. Flowers are in bloom and the tomatoes are ripening. Strawberries hang on the vine. The weather is finally warming up and, well, it does mean that summer is almost here! But what exactly did June do? Did she burst or did she bust?

"June is bustin' out all over
All over the meadow and the hill!
Buds're bustin' outa bushes
And the rompin' river pushes
Ev'ry little wheel that wheels beside the mill!"
"English Grammar Rule - Bust or Burst?
Today's English Grammar rule looks at BUST and BURST.
BUST is a sculptured, painted, drawn, or engraved representation of the upper part of the human figure, esp. a portrait sculpture showing only the head and shoulders of the subject. It is also the chest or breast, esp. a woman's bosom.
BUST is NOT correct usage to describe an item that has shattered or broken, such as a balloon that has burst; nor is it correct usage to describe a person who has been caught doing something illegal or unacceptable.
BURST is the word that should be used to describe an item that shatters or breaks, such as a balloon bursting." From Grammar Rule at Blogspot
So did June burst upon the scene or did she was she a bust like a bosom or a sculpture on a pedestal? I must say, being a recovering English major, I do cringe every time I hear the song about June bustin' out, but I also sing along and enjoy the joyous revelry! Who cannot help but be happy hearing the exuberant voices lifted in song welcoming the coming of the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer?
So it really doesn't matter in the great scheme of things whether June burstupon the scene today or busted out all over. Either occurrence is a welcome sign that summertime has arrived once again. Yay! And even though I am not a big fan of the extremely hot 100 degree plus days (and sometimes nights) here in Southern California, summer still has a lot to recommend it. But I do worry that if June really did burst, was it painful? Or if she is a bust, well, what do we we do? Sit back and wait for July? Probably not, because its "June, June, June! Just because its June, June, June!"
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