Saturday, July 2, 2011

Don't Let the Niceties Get in Your Way

It all began with the ubiquitous smiley face and then came the command, "Have a nice day."  The fading away of niceties.

A nicety is the quality or state of being nice.  It can be an elegant, delicate or even civilize feature of life that one enjoys.  Table manners are a subtle fine point or distinction separating us from the Barbarians.  A nicety can be giving careful attention to details that you don't necessarily have to, but it would make an occaision much nicer, much more enjoyable.  Sometimes it is just a dilicacy of taste or feeling.  It might be being fastidious, but it results in a much more pleasant experience for those involved.*

So I wonder now, where have all the little niceties of life gone?  What started me thinking about this was the prospect that the US Post Office will most likely soon be discontinuing Saturday mail service.  Not a big thing, I suppose.  Just makes Monday mail deliveries bigger and the sacks for the letter carriers (mailmen, mailpersons, postal workers, letter deliverers, what's policitally correct these days?) much heavier.   Now it is probably just a nicety to get mail on Saturday, but somehow losing it feels a lot like other little niceties that have gone by the by over my lifetime.

I remember there was a time that when you pulled into a service station an attendant would great you, ask how much, what grade and if he could check under the hood.  I must admit I always worried about them checking under the hood.  Sure it was nice, but what if they weren't completely honest?  What if they were just looking for ways to increase business?  The trick of course was to develop a relationship with the service station and get to know them well.  Then you could trust them.  Of course now, there is no one at the pumps and the person inside the food mart is more interested in selling you a lotto ticket than giving you directions (another lost "nicety").  And relationships!  Who has those any more with service people?

I risk sounding like an old fart here, but really now.  When did it become okay to ignore the customer checking out at the grocery store and talk about whether it is time for your break with the box boy or whether Susie was going to be waiting for you when you got off at 9?  And of course these checkers don't seem to realize that soon they will be extinct when the corporate types get us all trained in used those self-scanners where we don't have to interact with another human at all!  Bye bye nicety number 1,265~!

I like being nice.  I like making people feeling welcome where ever I am.  Too often now I am told things like, "Oh, don't worry about baking cookies for coffee hour at church!  Just buy some Mother's Bag of (Mass Produced) Assorted Cookies).  They will eat anything, you know!"   Somehow going the extra step just seems nice and I am sure someone, some time appreciates it.  It may go unacknowledged at the time, but the feeling will be remembered and the cookie eater will likely have a tender thought or two about the experience, if not the cookie.

I could go just on and on, and probably have already.  "It sure would be nice if he would shut up and just get over it," I can hear someone thinking right now.  Letting someone merge onto the crowded freeway, picking up you dog's business on your walk, smiling if not saying "Hello" when you pass someone along your way, reaching for that top-shelf can of Spam for the vertically challenged patron at Von's.  All niceties that seem to be the exception these days.  

I remember my folks and my grandfolks lamenting the passing of things like courtesy behavior and consideration for your neighbor.  What on earth would they think of our modern ways?  We tolerate so much, but you daren't say a thing.  Everyone has their rights, you know, to be as borish and Barbaric as they choose.  Even the Supreme Court says its okay for children to purchase electronic games that feature man's inhumanity to man.  And then they wonder why things are getting so, so, so.... "un-nice".

Thanks for listening.  In case you've forgotten, thanks is what used to be said when someone appreciated something.  Not, "Here ya go", followed by the retort, "No problem".  Just another nicety to be remembered fondly.

Oh for Pete's sake!


*The above base on the definition found in Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, a "nicety" that makes understanding words easier.
M-W's definition of "NICETY"
1: the quality or state of being nice
2: an elegant, delicate, or civilized feature
3: a fine point or distinction : subtlety
4: careful attention to details : delicate exactness : precision
5: delicacy of taste or feeling : fastidiousness

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