Monday, September 19, 2011

I often wonder if I am making progress...toward anything.  Am I moving forward or standing still?  Is this all there is?  Can one make progress in spite of signs to the contrary?

Have you ever heard of the GPI?  It is the acronym for Genuine Progress Index.  It measures genuine progress rather than the gross national product, which is traditionally used to measure the health and well being of our economy and nation.  Instead, the GPI looks at the things that make 
life better.  It asks questions as to whether life has improved or declined in general.  Things like traffic congestion, balance of leisure time, personal satisfaction with work, life and love are measured.  It posits the theory that we can be productive and successful in business, but if we are not enjoying our lives, what is the point?

The pyramid pictured here shows the theory set forth my Abraham Maslow in 1947 in his paper A Theory of Human Motivation.  We all begin at the bottom of the pyramid as we seek to satisfy our needs for food and shelter.  Then we seek to be safe in our environment and our daily lives.  Once those needs are met, we look for love and belonging.  What this means so far is that if our basic needs are not met, we have 
little energy to realize healthy relationships.  But when these needs are met, we can seek activities and accomplishments that give us a sense of self-esteem and worth.  Once all of that is achieved, we begin to actualize that self we were meant to be along with insights and wisdom that a life well-lived can bring us.

What does all this mean?  Well, in my life I have come to realize we move up and down the pyramid.  And upon discovering this new GPI, I can begin to appreciate and measure just how far I have come.  It also leaves me to ponder just how far I still need to go.  The journey continues.  Just when I make what I believe to be genuine progress,  I find I am once again hungry and a feeling a little unsafe.  But even then, I can see I have made some progress.  

That is what life is all about: making progress.

Here are some links to more information about the GPI and the Hierarchy of Needs:

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