Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Old If a Tree Falls in the Forrest Conundrum

Somethings just are.  And that is difficult, if not impossible, to completely understand.  No explanation?  Well, not if you believe in the power of science.  Sooner or later everything can be understood.  Empirical evidence.  Reasoning.  Deduction, reduction and induction.  They all will eventually lead to a final understanding of anything that appears inexplicable now. 

But come on.  How does anyone really know that a tree makes a sound when it falls if there is no one, (including recording devices, etc), around to hear the sound?  There just is no way to prove it!  Yes, I do accept the 99.9% probability that the falling tree does in fact make a resounding thud when it hits the forest floor.  But still...who knows for sure?

Believing in things not visible to the eye, not audible to the ear, not tasteful to the tongue and not palpable to the touch comes down to a matter of faith.  I believe that tree makes a sound when it falls.  I believe Newton was right is saying that "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."  It just makes sense.  

Now I ask you consider the last time you sat on the beach and watched the sunset.  Oooo!   Aaaaah!  I am sure your breath was taken away.  But what happens when you are not at that beach?  Does the sun not set anyway?  Is it still not as beautiful?  Even with no one at all to watch it set?  Does the sun care if anyone is watching?  And I am sure the tree does not care if its thud is heard when it hits the ground.  

Denver columnist, Gene Amole, wrote, "The sunrise, of course, doesn't care if we watch it or not. It will keep on being beautiful, even if no one bothers to look at it."   There's the point.  That's the reality.  It doesn't matter!  Beautiful things just are.  They do not care if anyone is a witness.  Things just are what they are.  We are what we are.  I wonder can we ever just be that?  I mean just be who we are and not worry if anyone is watching...or not?

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