There is this project proposal I am working on with some creative folks in the LA area. If it comes to fruition, it could prove quite lucrative and bring us a measure of fame to boot. Why, I could even become a household name and appear on Oprah!
In the course of working on this idea I am learning a lot about the creative process and the behind the scenes world of putting something together. I find I can trust the process and just go with the flow. But the most important thing I have found is that I am not attached to the outcome!
Now I am not going to details here about what this particular project is. It is probably because of some internal superstition that I fear speaking too much about it and making the dream vanish. I remember as a kid whenever some new possibility for a better life would come along, like buying into a nicer house or getting a better family car, I would tell everyone and then, come the morning of realization that it was just talk, I would have to sheepishly (almost with shame) tell everyone my enthusiasm ran away with me again. Not this time.
But that doesn't mean I will not be enthusiastic! A dream is good. It gives you direction. But now I know it is better to leave it "open-ended".

The process is where it is at. Its not the destination. Its the journey. Its living life as it happens and moving toward the goal, but not living in the future. And most importantly, its knowing that the goal may change. The dream may morph along the way. For me right now, it is enough to move my feet and taste what's sweet: now!
Open ended. No forgone conclusions. Open to possibilities and what life might bring you. And knowing that now is all we have.
And in the end, the end will take take care of itself.

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