Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Value in Remaining Incomplete

I always feels rather incomplete.  Surely there is something I can do, I often think to myself, to dispel this feeling of not being "done" or "finished".  But then I remember being told and actually singing a song about how I am "whole, complete and perfect" just the way I am.  So is perfection in being imperfect?  Does remaining incomplete make me, well, complete? 

I think yes it does.

Circles in Clouds in Circles
A circle is complete in itself.  A cloud floats through the sky unlike any other cloud with all its puffs and gaps, irregular outlines and changing silhouettes for all to see.  The circle is smooth and clean and well defined.  The cloud is serene in its movements toward the horizon.  Both are whole, complete and perfect.  Yet neither remains still.  The circle as Johnny Cash sang may remain unbroken, but it revolves around itself, keeping the inner space safe and the outer space out.  The cloud will drift or race across the sky, shading the earth from the sun or dropping water on a thirsty world.  Eventually both will be dispelled into the universe and return in yet another form.

verb /disˈpel/
1. Make (a doubt, feeling, or belief) disappear
2. Drive (something) away; scatter
as defined in Merriam-Webster

Dispel is one of those words that is often misspelled, as in the word misspelled.   Maybe that is because they both are words that come from a certain uncertainty.  Now there is the answer maybe!  Can we ever dispel uncertainty?  Can we ever be absolutely certain of anything?  We can only have faith and can only trust that there is something more to all of this than meets the eye.  It is when we can learn to live in the Question that we begin to learn to appreciate the incompleteness of our lives.  Life should, I believe, remain incomplete.  If it is not complete, what is there left for us to do but lay down and die?

There is the answer: there is no answer.  At least there is no One Answer other than we were made whole complete and perfect by Something or Someone much greater than ourselves and we it is our incompleteness and imperfections that make life worth living.

And so it is.

The Chinese Symbol for

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