Monday, October 3, 2011

It's Something to Think About

It is time.  It is time to think.  It is time to think about something.  It's time.  Just going on day to day, not thinking, not pondering, not even worrying, just is not the way it was meant to be.  Think.  That is why the good Lord gave us a brain. He/she wanted us to use it.  And if you don't believe in God as your creator, you have to admit you still have a brain.  You have a brain, whether you want it or not.  So you might as well use it.

I will bet you that you will find yourself using your brain whether you want to or not.  It is very difficult to avoid.  The brain just kicks in and automatically makes decisions for you if you don't take control.  And that is what I am trying to say.  You have a brain to think with, a heart to feel with.  You have eyes to see, ears to hear, a tongue to taste and a nose to smell with.  But the ultimate reality is, it is you who uses these things to make sense of the world around you.  You use these things to understand and make stave off your hunger for food, comfort and affection.  It is survival pure and simple.  It is up to you to master these wonderful tools at your disposal.

The brain is a terrible thing to waste.  It is where your mind dwells.  When used properly, it can do wonderful, beautiful things.  I've often thought (using my brain) that maybe we should be licensed to use what we have.  Some training wouldn't hurt.  Oh, wait, we do get the training, some better than others, but ultimately it is up to us to learn.  We are responsible for our own thoughts and feelings.  How we use them is up to us.  It's time.  

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