Monday, November 21, 2011

Thank God for Colds

I am thanking God for this cold I have.  Now I know God didn't single me out personally to catch a cold.  I ignored His loving care and threw caution to the wind.  I went out in the night air without sufficient clothing.  (No, not naked, but not bundled up in a parka either)  I guess I didn't eat right, although I thought I was.  Maybe not enough fresh fruit and vegetables.  Perhaps inadequate attention to drinking liquids.  All possibilities have been considered.  And I have been doing pretty well in the exercise and activity area.

But still the cold caught me.  It really is more of a sinus thing.  With two dogs, a cockatiel, a cat, and three guest chickens in residence, the house does get a bit dusty with dander and sheddings.  And I do haul out the vacuum and dust mop and such, but evidently not often enough.  So I caught up while shut in over the past three days and am relatively confident Erma Bombeck and Phyllis Diller would approve, but Martha Stewart and Heloise would still have something to say.

But as I walked the dogs for the first time in a couple days, it occurred to me that this cold was God's natural way of telling me to slow down, loosen up and breathe right.  It is very hard for me not to force the world to revolve around me.  And it is just as hard for me to feel sorry for myself when the world goes on without me actively involved.  But the truth is, the world does go on whether I am up and at 'em or languishing in bed.  While I am not the center of the universe, I am the center of my world and without me, well, where would I be?  And without God, well, thank goodness that is not possible since we are never without God!

So here I go, resuming some normal activities this week.  But I have a renewed consciousness.  I am aware I am not invincible.  I need to take care of myself.  It is God's will.  If I don't, then who will take care of the rest of the world?  Oh, ya....He will.

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