Sometimes it seems some folks just get it all. They get the big pay for little work, the big home for little down, the accolades for doing very little. I don't know, but I suspect it might be because they have a well played horn. Me, I don't have one. I seldom blow my own horn. It just isn't something I do. Sure, I like recognition...who doesn't? But I am content most of the time to be a background person and work behind the scenes. That's just me.
Now I will take some public recognition sometimes in situations where everyone is getting something. Just don't single me out. I get awkward. I want to hide. Yet if you don't say thank you, well, I just kind of figure you are rude or don't know better.
Appreciation can become an addictive substance. This is true, especially if the appreciation is for something you may or may not have done, but really wasn't all that much. And it is especially bad if at any time while doing the appreciated deed you complained or resented it. Oh heavenly father, I have been at times guilty of that! It makes the thank you a bit embarrassing to receive. Next time, I tell myself, just do it. And if you complained or felt resentment, then you truly weren't giving of yourself. It was ego or guilt or some such insincere nonsense.
I do appreciate so many things in my life. And I especially appreciate the people in my life. They have a lot to bear sometimes in listening to my thoughts and musings, to say the least. But I appreciate them for being there.
Gratitude is a funny thing. The more you live into it, the more you have to be grateful for. Thanksgiving is everyday if you are playing it right. Without giving thanks, appreciation is nil. I may not have the big pay or the big house, but I do sleep at night...usually. But here I am making a commitment: the next time I have trouble sleeping, I will start counting my blessings. Surely then, as in the words of the old Bing Crosby song, I will fall asleep.
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