Lent is a season of repentance, of being sorry for the things you have done wrong. Note: it is not a season to feel sorry for yourself because of all the things that other people have done wrong.
Repentance. Things I have done wrong. This is a heavy thing to consider. There have been many things I have "done wrong", probably too numerous to list here. But the truth is, I am sorry for them. I have dealt with most of them. I have made amends when and wherever possible. Sometimes the wronged are no longer in my life, either having moved on or, in some cases, pass away. But the sorry still lingers in my heart. The healing goes on day to day, moment to moment. Amends are made in many ways. But constantly living in sorrow may not be the best way to live. Repentance is "the action or process of repenting especially for misdeeds or moral shortcomings" (Merrian-Webster's Dictionary). To repent is to "turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one's life, to feel regret or contrition or to change one's mind" (again MW's definition).
Repentence is a constant way of living. To amend one's life is to overcome the past and live true to one's moral convictions. This is something I have tried to do most of my life. Tried, of course, is the operative word here. I am truly sorry for anything I have done, either consciously or unconsciously, to hurt anyone. The truth for me, then, it to practice mindfulness. Being aware and paying attention to the words that come out of my mouth are kind, necessary and true.
Being mindful is a discipline. It is a practice. Perhaps that is the lesson here. Perhaps that is what comes with finding oneself sorry...and realizing that being sorry is not a good place to be.
So tonight I remember what I have been and may still be sorry for. And that is a good thing...as it leads me to "repentance", to practicing mindful behavior.
“Before you speak, think -Is it necessary? Is it true? Is it kind? Will it hurt anyone? Will it improve on the silence?” This quote from the teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, says it all and can be applied to actions.
Yes, this is the lesson to be learned from today's devotional experience. May I practice it faithfully.
Tomorrow: Day Four:
"Make time today for the one you love and for God. Each minute is a brick in your life's bridge, not only over troubled waters and loss, but to million cherished memories."
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