Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ground Hog's Day Eve

On this first day of the second month of the new year, as we await the prognostication of the fabled Punxsutawny Phil, we can also take a moment to stick our own heads up to see if, indeed we see our own shadows.  And just as Phil predicts whether there will be six more weeks of winter, (doesn't that coincide with the first day of spring, March 21?), or not, we can make a discovery of our own.

So, what would that be, you might ask?  Well, I have to admit, I am not sure.  Just sticking my head above the dirt, I can see the horizon.  It is clear.  But just what is beyond the horizon, well, that is not as clear.  If fact, it is a mystery.  And that is where faith begins.  And trust.  And belief in oneself.  The time has come.  It is now.  Seize the day.

Second month, second chance to begin again and get things right.

If Phil sees his shadow, it means six more weeks of winter.  If Phil does not see his shadow, it fortells an early spring.  In either case, by spring, we have totally forgotten what Phil predicted.  The same is true of my vision of the horizon, (read: goals, dreams, desires).  Its out there.  Yes, even at this late stage, there is still a future, a vision.

And I plan to find out what it is.

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