Wednesday, February 29, 2012

40 Days of Lent: A Spirtual Journey -- Day Seven Part 2


Okay, today was the day to give up procrastination.  And I decided to just do it.  And, well, I think I succeeded!

I let go and let God.  That of course is the first thing one needs to do when giving up procrastination.  You see, if you are busy listening to your ego (self, inner voice, little kid, whatever you call it) you sometimes end up following the path of least resistance.  Which in my case means, feeling overwhelmed and not accomplishing much.

Today I sat down and got to work.

I have a folder (several actually) on my desk.  One in particular is marked "To Do".  Today I did several to-do's.  I filled completed requests for insurance reimbursements, (an onerous task), took the kids to the vet, (a fun task, but always expensive),  revisited an personal commitment with someone and renewed same and several other items.  In all, it was a good day.  

Just doing it, is, well, just a matter of just doing it.  If you don't start somewhere, you don't get anywhere.

So how does that tie in with letting go and letting God and giving up procrastination?  Well, once you discern what it is you want to accomplish, God will support you.  The universe moves and you can get things done.

Giving up procrastination is a long as  you don't put it off.

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