Monday, March 12, 2012

40 days of Lent: A Spirtual Journey -- Day Seventeen

Day Seventeen: Show other people that you value their time. Today, plan to arrive 15 minutes early for everything. Give up being late.

Now here's a lesson in intention.  I set this particular blog up last night.  Read it and them tucked it away to write today.  I always try to be on time.  In fact, there was a time when I was always insufferably early.  I say insufferably because I was always the one who sat around waiting.  To this day, I tend to arrive early or to be dressed and ready and at the curb if you are picking me up. 

Most of the time I am either early or right on time.  When I am late (which doeshappen) I get very anxious and feel the pressure acutely.  I don't like to keep people waiting for me.  That comes I am sure from my grandmother who was always on time.  I can remember going places with her and having to sit in the car for a bit because we arrived too early.  But we never missed the coming attractions at the movies, let me tell you.  And that became a life-long habit.

So, this morning I was meeting some friends to walk up Mt Rubidoux.  The plan was to meet at the gate at 8am.  Guess what!  Without even thinking about today's charge, I was 15 minutes early!  And I always like that because I can sit and people watch or think about things like the meaning of life or what I want to do for day after the walk or just try to achieve a bit of Zen state.

I like being early.  When I am late, I get stressed.  And I know there are those of you who know me who have known me to be late occasionally.  I am wondering right now if perhaps there are some folk out there who actually see me as being tardy a lot!  Now that would be a lesson in perception.  How we see ourselves is often the product of the values we hold dear and our own ego state.

So for the rest of the day, I will be early.  Your time is valuable.  I know that.  And I hate being stressed by running late.  I don't know which is worse.  And isn't it great that I don't have any appointments today?  LOL 

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