Today's Lenten Challenge: "Give up at least one of your prejudices. Don’t have any?
Think again."
This one was tough. I tend to think I am pretty open-minded, liberal, and ever striving toward being non-judgemental. But the more I thought about, the more I realized I do have certain prejudices. Some I am aware of and call myself on. Others, until they are brought to my attention, remain in the background, unconscious, and steer me toward making decisions based on pre-conceived notions. Some things that I do automatically, I do out of judgements made long ago. Many of those conclusions are no longer valid. Perhaps that is why an exercise like this is so important...and so challenging. Giving up prejudice takes some internal reflection and self examination.
I began this work by looking up the definition at my favorite source for definitions, (see bottom of page):
I would say this is referring to to definition number two. And I have to say I am definitely guilty of this. It comes from years of trying to sort out the universe. There are just so many hours in the day and yet unlimited shapes, sizes, and varieties of people. Judging based a preconceived notions certainly makes it easier to get through without having to interact with too many people. That would take time. You would have to get to know each individual on an individual level. Easier to just to type them, categorize them and put them in the proper compartment.
It really doesn't work that way, does it? Just when you think you have everyone figured out, they go and do something that doesn't fit the box you put them it. |
Dang. You have to re-think things and re-consider your first impression. Sounds like work. But then if you don't open your mind and become aware of your prejudices, well, then, I am sure you will miss out on a lot of good people. But it will be easier. Unfortunately once you become aware of your prejudices, you can never really ignore them again.
Its called growth.
noun \ˈpre-jə-dəs\
Definition of PREJUDICE
a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledgeb : an instance of such judgment or opinionc : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics
Related to PREJUDICE
Synonyms: favor, nonobjectivity, one-sidedness, partiality,parti pris, partisanship, ply, bias, tendentiousness
Antonyms: impartiality, neutrality, objectivity, open-mindedness, unbiasedness
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