Sunday, May 15, 2011


Interruptions.  They happen all the time.  Just when you think there is smooth sailing ahead, something rocks the proverbial boat.  And it is often distressing, somewhat diverting and always delaying the forward mementum of your life.

Recently there was a disruption in the service of the blog service where I write this blog.  It was frustrating not to keep my commitment to myself to write my thoughts and musings five days a week.  What saved me I suppose is that I didn't really tell anyone that was my plan.  So the interruption in service caused no disruption in my commitment.  Or so I deluded myself into thinking.

I was fooling myself all along.  A promise to myself is just as important as a promise to anyone else.  Really, truly, it is.  Why, then, do I do this?  Probably because there was no risk of being held accountable.  Or what there?

Every day there are things that cause hitches in our git-along.  Service failures.  Power outages.  Traffic jams.  Rain.  Sun.  Wind.  Heat.  Cold.  You name it, it can keep you from getting where you are going.  There are times you set out on a fun day with your friends and you are sure you can keep up.  But then your stamina begins to wane.  Your aging body rebels in a fit of pain.  You don't want to admit you need to sit or even call a cab.  You suffer in silence and that, of course, interrupts your good time and, potentially, your friendship when they don't understand what's going on.  Bad communication interrupts good relationships.

Interruptions.  Pledging to work on that book.  Making plans to go out of town for a special birthday celebration.  Committing to do perform a project and then procrastinating until it is too late to do your very best.  Interruptions.

Sometimes we forget all we've learned and old habits come careening back onto your living.  They interrupt all the progress you have made.  But the good thing is that is all they are: interruptions.  No dead ends unless you choose to call them that.  Every problem a challenge.  Every goal, attainable.

Interruptions: an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity*.  But it doesn't have to end anything and that is something I strive to remember always.

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