Monday, May 30, 2011

Why I Fly My Flag

Patriotism is a strange thing.  Merriam-Webster's defines it as ": love for or devotion to one's country".  Hmmm.  I love my country and in many ways I consider myself devoted to it.  I worked for a government agency for almost 30 years.  I often forget that was a form of public service, giving back to my country rather than seeking fame and fortune.  Surely I could have made more money doing what I did privately, and still may, but I chose to continue with what I did because...just because it was the right thing to do for me.

But patriotism has morphed into something else a little more scary.  These days religious tenants and moral judgements (both religious and secular) seem to be walking hand-in-hand with love and devotion for one's country.  Some use it to challenge anyone who doesn't believe as they do.  If you do not believe in a certain way, you are not being "patriotic".  For some, the definition of "patriotism" is becoming increasingly narrow and in some cases, borders on blind prejudices.  

Don't get me wrong, I love God and I love country.  But my definition of both may not be the seeming "new" norm.  I do not believe I can follow either blindly.  That, I know for sure, is not why God created me and surely not why our wonderful country was founded all those years ago.  Add to that my firm belief that there a many paths to spiritual enlightenment, and you may understand why  I feel this need to fly my flag because in any case, it is my flag too.

I fly my flag be I am proud of those who have served in my stead, taking their lives into their hands and defending home and hearth against those that would seek to overthrow or destroy us.  Those who serve in the military are brave and have my unreserved respect.  They are willing to die to keep us safe and free.  I fly my flag in honor and memory of all those valiant men and women who did more than just their duty; those who answered the call and did not fail.

I also fly my flag because there are those who would not think me an equal citizen, not entitled to all the rights and privileges as any other American.  They say I am living the life God intended me to live.  They would have me be silent and, in some cases, ashamed of who I am.  That, my friends, is not true patriotism; not true love of God and country.  "Judge not lest ye be judged" Matthew 7:1.  Everyone has a right to their own opinion and make a judgement as it concerns them and there lives.  But the bottom line is, we all live under that same flag in the same land, the land of the brave and the free.

I fly my flag because it is my flag and to it, I do pledge allegiance.   It is one nation, under God....with liberty and justice for all.  And today I remember all with all other Americans, those who gave all so that we can continue to be all that is promised on in the inscription on the Statue of Liberty in the following lines:

"Give me your tired, your poor, 
Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free, 
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, 
Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door." 
Author: Emma Lazarus

And that is why I fly my flag today.  


For more on Memorial Day, its origins and meanings, click on this link.  It also describes the link between Memorial Day and the Lincoln Memorial.  Writer's Almanac

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