Thursday, May 5, 2011

Open Mind

I am trying to remain open-minded.  I listen.  I ponder.  I consider.  All the evidence is not in.  It seems that ALL the evidence is NEVER in.  Just when you make up your mind about something, some new evidence is found that changes everything.  So I listen.  I ponder.  I consider.

Now I have to say I try not to be so open-minded that my brains fall out as some unknown (to me) wise person said.  I have opinions.  I believe there is more evidence for evolution than creationism BUT if evolution is the final word, who set  it all in motion?  If it was a Big Bang, what was there BEFORE the Big Bang?  And who or what caused the Big Bang?  As I often do, I have come to the conclusion that is it a bit of both.  There is room for God in our Science and Science in our God.  God gave us the ability to listen, to ponder and to consider for a reason.

I often wonder if our government is telling us the Truth...or the truth as they see it or as they think we can handle without going plunging off the cliff like the proverbial (and scientifically studied) lemmings.

But no one really knows the whole truth.  There is always room for doubt.  They say Osama bin Laden is dead.  I believe he is.  I believe our President.  Do we need to see pictures of the dead body?  I don't know.  I know I don't want to see it.  But there are still people who don't believe man walked on the moon, the Holocast happened or life after death is possible. 
Living with doubt is where faith is born.  
And so I listen.  I ponder.  I consider.  And I hope for forever remain open-minded.

Chinese symbol for being conscious

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